Free Flight Model Plans
This page is dedicated to making plans for some FF models available.
So far, we have the following to offer.
(Click the below links to view individual notes and previews)
- Tom-Tit Triplane - A whimsical flyer by Raymond Malmström
- Purl-One - Durable Rubber Powered R.O.G. Stick Trainer
- Thistle - Electric FF, Jim Duckworth / Martin Gregorie
- Thistle -
(complete construction article with photos)
- Push E - Indoor Electric Pusher by Jack Reid
- Akro & Big Pussycat - ever dependable beginner's models, Dick Baxter
- XE-5 - Simple biplane from Dick Baxter
- Almost Wright 1903 - Simple non scale replica of the Wright
- Almost Wright 1903 -
Brothers biplane from Dick Baxter
- Twerp - low wing t-tailed towplane and glider, Jason McGuire
- Blatter 40 - club contest ROG Stick, Al Blatter
- Leftover - hl or cl glider, Bill Johnstone
- Leftover -
(8kb, full sized plan with notes)
- Jetco ROG
- Phantom Flash ROG
- 4 Peanut Scale plans by Steve Hales
Click the above links to view individual notes and previews.
To download a plan, click one of the below options.
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Last modified 12/04/2005
Copyright 1999 - 2005, Thayer Syme. All rights reserved
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